Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Last Days

I am in the midst of my last week at NightLight.  Where did the time go?  So much has happened, and I still feel like I just got here.  Such is life.

I am thankful.  First of all, I'd like to thank you, my supporters.  Whether you've supported me prayerfully, financially, or simply by being my friend at some point in my life, you are part of this story.  At several points this year that I've been having a rough few days or week, I've gotten messages out of the blue from friends saying, "hey, you're on my mind, praying for you."  One message can mean the world friends.  Not only do I realize that I'm not forgotten by people "back home," but I know that even in the midst of anguish, God sees me because He is choosing to put me in someone's mind.  Praise Him.  Even if I haven't talked to you since I've been here, I know that prayers are heard.

Nana red light area- one of Bangkok's three areas that caters to foreign men 

In the world that I occupy here, good and evil are pretty tangible.  It's easy to see the dark things, they are particularly open here, and this is part of why Bangkok has the reputation that it does.  It's easy to be overwhelmed by it all.  I am sometimes asked by guests how we do this day in and day out.  Here is the answer: you look at the one.  You keep it small.  I have 30 women who work for NightLight who I get to know and love every single day.  If I am talking to someone on bar outreach or during beauty shop, she is my world for that moment.  In the neighborhood where I work, debauchery, selfishness and pain reign openly.  Sometimes we pray things like, "God show us Your glory in this place!  Come Lord!  But, His glory is already here.

I have met some amazing people this year.  People from all over the world, all different walks of life, all different reasons for being in Bangkok.  Let me tell you about a few of them.   Nora has a beautiful singing voice.  She can also play guitar, and she loves to lead worship.  She's a servant, the first to notice when someone needs something, quick to do the tasks that don't get much credit.  She loves Jesus so much.  Molly has the best laugh I have ever heard.  She cares about people in need, and wants to see them know the fullness of who they are in Christ.  She listens well and is unafraid of preaching the Gospel.  She's dreaming of missions outside of Thailand.  Molly, Nora, and others are finding their strengths in ministry too.  They are bold, strong women, and I'm so thankful that I've gotten to work alongside them this year.

You might have guessed that I was talking about some of the women who work at NightLight.  These women are amazing.  Their love for people is so big.  I could go on forever about how awesome they are.  I don't see them for their past.  I don't see them in light of how far they come.  I do my best to see them as they are, exactly as I described them above.  One of the words that God gave me over this time was "to bring hope and dignity to His daughters."  Dignity means seeing someone as they are, for where they're going, not as they've been.  There's tension in it too though: how do I explain what I just told you, and also explain the importance of our work?  So this is what I have to say: these women are amazing.  Jesus has changed them through and through, so much that their past isn't even the most important part of the story.  And since Jesus is about changing people through and through, I think He wants that for more of His girls working in the sex industry.  His glory is already here.  And we want to see more.  That is how we do what we do.  Because in the midst of overwhelming darkness, we have seen the Light.  God's glory is rising out of this place.  It seems small, but it matters so much.  Because for that one woman, it's her whole life.  Glory be to God, who makes all things new.

And yet, this city is beautiful too and has been my home

I can't believe that this time is over.  Thank you again, my supporters.  My financial needs this year have been provided for, over and beyond what my target amount was.  This surplus will be given back to NightLight, in a few ways that I have seen different needs.  Because of this generosity, I didn't have to touch any of my own savings for reasons other than travel and a few "extras."  Thus, I've taken a very exciting opportunity that I want to share with you.  A few months ago I found some crazy ridiculously cheap flights to Australia.  I prayed and asked God if this was something that He had for me, and I felt everything saying yes!  One of my friends from early in my time here is Australian, and one of my friends from Hope has been living in Sydney this past year.  One week from today, I will be embarking on an adventure that I only ever could have dreamed would be mine. I'll be in Australia for two weeks, and then I'll work my way back to Thailand via Singapore and Malaysia.  I'll be taking the opportunity for a lot rest and reflection that needs to happen after this year.  Because of the generosity of my financial supporters, I have my own money available to make this reality!  Wow!  Thank you Lord!

Some beautiful NightLight earrings
This might be the last update that I send out before I'm back in the US.  I'm planning some times in December (and afterwards) to share my experiences in Thailand.  I'm more than happy to speak one on one or to groups of people.  I'm also planning to bring home some NightLight jewelry and shirts to sell (you save on shipping), so let me know if this interests you as well!  I have a prayer request as well: I have spent a lot of time and effort thinking and praying and pursuing different options as to my future.  Nothing is certain as of yet.  Can you pray with me that I'll have some peace and clarity, even with the unknown?  Pray that I would choose Jesus over everything in whatever situation.


  1. Thanks for sharing Karen! Praise God for His provision and the way He's teaching you and others to see people with their God given dignity, even when our instinct would tell us else wise. I'm so excited for you, for what you've learned and done, for the people you've impacted and the people who have impacted you and for your time of adventure and of reflection to come. May the Lord bless you with special times in the secret place. I have am image of you underneath a villa/gazebo/hut on a hill overlooking a water fall. May the Lord bring you to this place! I bless you with peace about your future, knowing the lord will guide you step by step, conversation by conversation. Love you dear.

  2. It's great to read what God is doing in Thailand and in your life, thanks for the update Karen!
