Saturday, April 25, 2015


Kate, Elisha, and I covered in water
and flour during Songkran celbrations
 Last week was Thai New Years, or Songkran.  Thus, NightLight and school closed for a few days and we had a five day weekend.  My friends and I were advised to get out of Bangkok during this time, so we headed south to Krabi and Thailand’s world famous islands.  Oh my gracious, it was lovely.  We did so  many different things that we’ve joked we came back less rested than when we left, but it was so fun to experience so much and be away from the city and daily life.
We did a boat tour of several islands that included snorkeling, dinner, on the beach, and swimming with bioluminescent (glowing) plankton.  It’s funny how the least expected circumstances are always the most memorable.  At one of the islands we stopped at, we got caught in torrential rain.  Most of the rest of the group was huddled on the boat, but we discovered that the ocean was actually the warmest place to be, and so we laughed hysterically and floated around in the rain.  I’m pretty sure that doesn’t apply to any of the other beaches I’ve ever been to! 

Snorkeling in Koh Phi Phi
Another highlight was snorkeling.  If you don’t know this about me, I spent my childhood in the pool doing synchronized and competitive swimming.  Sometimes I feel more comfortable in the water than on land, yet this part of my life ended with high school.  We snorkeled at a few locations near Krabi and on Koh Phi Phi, perhaps the most well known of Thailand’s many islands.  I have always wanted to be a fish or a dolphin or something.  While breathing through a snorkel mask is fun because you sound like Darth Vader, I abstained from surface exploration in favor of diving as close to the reef as possible.  There were many different types of colorful fish and I followed them around and explored.   We also got to see the glowing plankton, and swimming with them was like dancing surrounded by stars.  Words actually are failing me a little on this one.  I know I will never forget the pure joy and delight of that moment, and of seeing God’s incredible creativity on full display in a way I never had before.

Happiest of days, Koh Lanta
The story that has so far been the most retold from this trip however, happened on Koh Lanta when I managed to crash my motorbike within the first five minutes of being on it.  Though I take motorbike taxis to the train every morning here in Bangkok, I had never driven one of my own.  I had to make a u-turn across the road to go the direction that we needed to go, and in my inexperience I accidentally accelerated into the turn and crashed headlong into the curb.  I think it is the funniest thing ever.  Kinesthetic intelligence has never been a gifting of mine.  I would crash my bike.  Of course I would.  For what it could have been, it actually went pretty well.  I have huge bruises over one arm and my legs, and I gashed my knee and arm open.  I didn’t hit my head in any way, and the curb that I hit was extra tall, which slowed me down much more than if it had been a normal height curb.  After making one of my housemates splash my wounds clean and sitting with my head between my knees for a few minutes (this girl does not do blood), I got back on the bike and had the most lovely day exploring Koh Lanta with my friends.  That day also happened to be Songkran day, which is celebrated by people throwing water on you.  Definitely the best day to learn a new skill, HA.  It was actually really fun.  Koh Lanta isn’t very touristy at all, and has many lush green hills and beautiful beaches.  We got caught in the downpour again and by the end of the day I felt confident enough that I took a solo trip on my bike for some more exploring.  Glory be.

Maya Bay, Koh Phi Phi
I love traveling.  The desire to see and explore is part of who I am.  Krabi surprised me in how different it was than any place I had ever been, and that’s what I love.  I love seeing a new piece of who God is in what He’s made.  I love the thrill of the unknown.  I love how on the edge of the ocean, there is all the room in the world for my thoughts to roam, and I know how small I am and how big God is.  It’s the most comforting thing, to have even a glimpse of how vast He is, yet to know how He sees and cares for me in the most perfect way.  Praise be, I am thankful. Krabi, I’ll be seeing you again someday I’m sure.

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