Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Life Update

It's hard to write.  That's the honest truth.  Some things I can't share, some things I can't find the words to share.  I want to do these people and this experience justice.  I want my friends at home to understand what it's actually like here, because it's probably definitely not what you're imagining.  But how do I honor the people that I work with and meet, without making their stories too sensational?  How do I be honest about my own heart when I don't understand everything myself?  I'll just give you a general life update as of now and see where this goes.

Work-- I am still in the role of doing tours and teams.  The woman I am temporarily replacing is leaving within the next couple of weeks so the role will really be mine!  I'll be leading tours two days a week (as people request them) coordinating for the few teams that we have coming through, doing some local sales here in Bangkok, and also taking over the role of teaching English to some of the women one day a week.  I'll continue going on outreach and helping out wherever I'm needed.  I really enjoy my job, especially getting to meet people from all over the world and telling them about the work that NightLight is doing.  We do some sales around Bangkok as well, and I keep our showroom organized.  If you're interested in checking out our products, here they are.  By purchasing from NightLight products you are providing a way to freedom for a women working in the sex industry, a chance for a different life.

School-- I am about to finish out my third month of studying Thai.  Learning a language three hours a day five days a week is intense to say the least.  I do feel like I'm improving though, and Thai more often than not comes more quickly to me than Chinese finally.  On Monday, my friend Kate and I went to Immigration to have our first two month visa extension.  Some people have to speak Thai with the officials when they go which I was nervous about, but since we got there a little later, they just wanted to move through everyone, and the only thing I said in Thai was hello before they stamped me through.  I was so thankful!  Sometimes my life here feels so normal to me, but then I remember that I'm an expat.  Something that I love about Bangkok is how international it is.  The list of countries that I have met people grows longer and longer.

The Rest-- As two of my former housemates finished their internships and returned home, I moved into a new place with some other women I work with.  I love getting to explore a new neighborhood and get to know my coworkers better.  One of my best friends from study abroad was here for a week after finishing her job in China.  I showed her some of my Bangkok and then we journey north to Chiang Mai.  I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to explore somewhere new with my best adventure buddy.  We got to see elephants (treated humanely of course), eat some awesome food, and see many of the local sights while catching up on the last years of our lives.  I'm so thankful that she was able to be here!

Prayer Requests--

  • for NightLight's ministry and staff- that we would seek more of God in all that we do
  • for God's glory to continue to rise out of this place, more and more, that the darkness would flee
  • for the people and nation of Thailand to know who they are in Christ
  • for the men and women both visiting and working in the red light districts, that they would know that they are so much more than their bodies and the brokenness that has happened in their lives
And now some Chiang Mai pictures for you!
  • Elephants are so insanely cool!
    View of Chiang Mai from atop Doi Suthep
    Myks and I at Doi Inthanon
    Doi Inthanon

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