Monday, May 28, 2012


Well, I leave for Kenya in 4 days.  My time at home has flown by, and it has been great to relax, see people, and do things I don't normally have time to, like reading books for fun and craft.  One of the best moments of the break, was church yesterday.  I spoke briefly at both services about the trip and how people can pray for me and such.  I was completely blown away by my congregation's response.  I've been to church probably 10 times in the past two years, with being at school and camp.  I was completely blown away by a beautiful quilt from the quilting ministry, and it was awesome to be prayed over during the services.  People I don't even know were assuring me prayer, and wishing me well.  Just the sight of the faces of some of my dearest friends smiling at me the entire time I was up front filled my heart with joy.  Its not so often I get to see those faces in real life.  To hear people who have known me my whole life say, "We're so proud of you, God is going to do great things."  It doesn't matter that I've been gone- they love and support me just the same.  To be with people who understand and support missions, and who know and love me, is indeed a blessing.  I don't need human affirmation for what I'm doing this summer, its what God's calling me to do, but it sure was nice to feel so much love right before I'm about to leave.  To be home.  To be where I am myself, right before a beautiful new adventure, bless the Lord oh my soul.