Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Good Afternoon

Yesterday we ran afoul of some chicken salad, not leading to the best 24 hours ever.  Ah well, it happens.  Thus, I spent the day sleeping, reading, watching movies, doing sudoku puzzles, and wishing I was at home.  Today we were supposed to help lead a girl's Bible study at the local church, which I was super excited about.  Teen girls are an age group that I love to work with, and they have a much higher chance of understanding English than the babies!  We got there to find that there was a work team from a college and Tennessee there.  Oh joy!  People my own age!  The kids were having so much fun playing with the team, and only a few showed up any way, that Staci decided to just let everyone relax and hang out.  I had a great talk with one of the team leaders who is actually the daughter of the famed Dr. Steury of Tenwek Hospital (WGM hospital in Kenya).  She was really encouraging and just brought me an awesome sense of peace, with her easygoing personality and experience with missions and Kenyan culture.  Then some Kenyan college students showed up for a big game of volleyball.  Volleyball is not on my list of specialties, but it was so great to have really good conversations and have people encourage me in what I'm doing.  I definitely fed off the work team's energy, which was so welcome after being cooped up in the apartment.  I'm realizing how used I am to having people around me all the time, to come here and have a different situation is a little bit daunting and lonely.  Don't get me wrong, the people I am with are great, I'm just used to having a cluster or building or campus or house full of people, and my phone to easily communicate with any of them no matter where I am.  Today was good though.  It was encouraging and energizing, and finally got me out of the haze of literal sickness and homesickness. I'm really excited to go to church tomorrow to help with Sunday school, interact with the team more and have worship.  Bless the Lord oh my soul!

Pray for:
- peace, presence, purpose, patience. (alliteration for the win)
- meaningful relationships to be built and deepened
- communication

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