Monday, December 9, 2013



They are persistent.  They feel like the truth.  They are straight from the heart of darkness.  They cut down to slowly, slowly destroy.  Their destruction is not outright, it is the day that I realize, I am completely in bondage to something that is completely untrue.

Our struggles lie not in flesh in blood, but in the rulers, authorities, and powers of the dark world and the evil spiritual forces in heavenly places.  (Eph. 6:12)

The thing is, there is victory and freedom from the lies to be found in Jesus Christ.  In His sacrifice for the sin of the world He adopted us as sons and daughters of Him, and He sent those powers of darkness to the grave.  The law that the punishment for sin was death was shattered in the moment that God became human and offered Himself for people who did the opposite of anything to deserve it.  Even though there are still struggles here on earth, and this is only going to get worse before Jesus comes back, we know how the story ends.  Jesus comes back and sends evil where it belongs, when the wrongs are made right and the tears are washed away, He makes all things new.

Alas, we are still here on earth.  We are still struggling.  The lies are still being whispered in our minds or spoken by people in our lives with such cunning.  I hate Satan.  Seriously I do.  I hate the one who causes the pain in this world and causes people to live less than their full identity as children of God, eternally loved, forgiven, chosen, full of grace, and full of God's fierce authority.  I hate the times that I let him rule in my life.

The times when the lies twist and twist and become the truth, when I walk in a broken version of who I'm supposed to be.  Yet, it happens again and again and it's going to until the day I see Jesus face to face.

I've had some struggles with jealousy and comparison this semester.  Things like, she's not friends with me- guess I'm not good enough to make the cut.  Look, she has it together and looks great all the time to boot.  What's up with you?  Well obviously these two people are closer with each other than with you.  You're just not good enough, because if you were they would include you more often.  Did you see how much fun they had?  Gosh.  You're just not good enough to have a group of friends like that.  Everyone forgets about you and no one really likes you.  Good luck being spiritual enough or pretty enough or funny enough or not-awkward enough to find a husband one day.  I HATE IT I HATE I HATE IT.

Even there, I was simply writing out of my heart, not trying to organize thoughts at all.  Three times in that last short paragraph I said the words "you're not good enough."  There friends, is the lie that is twisted into the core of my heart, since my childhood.  I don't know how it got there, and I really wish it wasn't there, yet so far in my 21.5 years, every time I gain victory it comes back in a new disguise.  Such is life.

Let's talk about everything's that's messed up with what I just said up there.  Most of these things involve my relationships with others, with the mindset that my destiny is controlled by other people.  The world says that I control my future, God says that He controls it better than I ever could.  As a Christian I am guaranteed persecution in this world, yet I am not defined or harmed by persecution.  Here's another main important truthful thing- I HAVE FRIENDS.  Not just friends, but really awesome, kindhearted, loving friends who I don't even deserve.  They love me, support me, and are for me in whatever I choose to do with my life.  I don't know how far I can go in speaking for them, but they enjoy spending time with me.  Another problem- I am not near grateful enough for what I DO have.  I disregard my friends to lust after the thrill of a new relationship, yet it is impossible to be friends with every single person I come in contact with.  Being at college and constantly surrounded by an ever shifting group of people doesn't really help this, but still!  Yikes!

Here's the main thing- NONE of these things are what really defines me.  My name is Daughter of the most high King.  My striving means nothing.  The very essence of the Truth is that I am completely UNABLE to gain any sort of salvation on my own BUT that Jesus did it all for me.  Because of that, I walk in FREEDOM from the power of darkness, and IN HIM I have the POWER to rebuke those powers of darkness back to the grave, where their ultimate destiny lies.

Friends, know how much I do love you.  Join me in rebuking these lies in the name of JESUS, who is more perfect and wonderful than we can dare imagine.  Let's walk boldly in our identities as sons and daughters, love each other well, and change the world for His glory.  Amen!

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