Sunday, December 11, 2011

His Love Never Changes

I started today by decorating Christmas cookies with my Bible study.  They are a beautiful and wonderful group of girls- six of us sophomores and two junior leaders.  We have shared some great times, laughing, learning and praying together.  One of my leaders brought up the quintessential question (that’s fun to say!), “What has this semester been about for you?”  What has God taught you?  It gave me the opportunity to think.  So, so much has happened this semester.  So here’s the answer I gave- “God is the only thing that doesn’t change.”  Everything around us ultimately will change.  Even in one four month semester’s weather, we go from 90 degree days to snow.  Relationships change in seasons- periods of closeness, distance, deepening, breaking.  I started off this semester the nervous RA of 23 beautiful freshmen women who I didn’t know one bit.  They were nervous, scared, and didn’t know where campus buildings or their own mailboxes were.  (Don’t worry, we all did the same thing).  I was told wisely, “It will take longer than you think to feel comfortable around your girls,” and I held onto this hope.  Over the months we got to know each other slowly but surely.  That’s what happens when you live with people.  They become your friends and you know them.  They become part of your day and your life.  You have inside jokes, favorite shows, and you sit around for hours making paper snowflakes together and covering the walls with gift wrap. 
Academically, I learned a whole heckuva lot this semester.  I had two ministry classes which taught me by far the most- Theology of Worship and Music and Theology of Social Witness and Mission.  The readings were tough, but I learned so much.  I went from being terrified of my singing voice to comfortably starting a song in front of my classmates.  I wrote a theological explication of a worship service I wrote myself, starting with a theme of worship and finding music and all the parts of a service to fit it and then explaining why I chose everything I did.  I got to articulate my dreams for ministry.  On the other hand, Research Methods has been a huge ride on the struggle bus and I learned about working hard, asking for help and accepting my own shortcomings.  The format of the class was different than any other class I’ve ever taken, and I had to attempt to learn this new format.  I also started learning Chinese this semester.  The first few months of learning a language I think show the most profound changes.  I went from not knowing a single word to be able to write characters (it’s the only part of the language I’m good at) and say a few words. 
There are seasons of life.  In a semester, I went from aching for camp to accepting that that season is over and thankful for what it gave to me.  I spent 24 hours in prayer for the city of Detroit, and have been a part of a prayer group on campus praying for God to do great things here.  I am proud to call myself a ’14 song girl, and to have been part of one of the most amazing groups of people ever- the Nykerk family (youtube if you’re confused).  My friendships have changed around a lot too.  The RA staff has been continued to be a huge blessing.  I’ve gotten to know more people as well, just through classes and whatever.  However, I’ll end by talking about how my day ended, the Hope for the Nations Christmas party.
Hope for the Nations is a campus group dedicated to praying for and equipping students to serve in missions, which is God’s call on my heart.  I walked into my first meeting at the beginning of freshmen year and instantly felt at home.  I was asked to be on the leadership team over the summer, and it has been so awesome.  The people I am with are second to none.  My other friends don’t believe that I’m the crazy one there but its true.  I can be completely myself.  Its great.  The Christmas party tonight was partly a send off for the leaders studying abroad next semester.  In true H4N fashion it’s a full half of the leadership team.  We also had many laughs with a white elephant, ugly sweaters, and ourselves.  There are some new leaders coming on who I am so excited to get to know better and we are going to have so much fun I know it already.  This semester has been quite the ride, learning to balance school and RA stuff and the rest of my life, good times, bad times, but always always always, God times.  The lyrics of this popular chapel song originally by Jesus Culture pretty much sum up all of this:
Nothing can separate
Even if I ran away
Your love never fails

I know I still make mistakes
But You have new mercies for me everyday
Your love never fails

You stay the same through the ages
Your love never changes
There may be pain in the night but joy comes in the morning
[ Lyrics from: ]
And when the oceans rage
I don't have to be afraid
Because I know that You love me
Your love never fails

Verse 2:
The wind is strong and the water's deep
But I'm not alone here in these open seas
Cause Your love never fails

The chasm is far too wide
I never thought I'd reach the other side
But Your love never fails

You make all things work together for my good

This is my hope.  All things are possible through God, and He is what makes us who we are.  He offers forgiveness love, and He doesn't make mistakes. 

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