Sunday, April 15, 2012


There are times in life that are just random and wonderful and amazing and random.  I went to the Gathering tonight (like usual) and every moment was a blessing.  Laughing with friends about bad gifts before, amazing worship.  One of the senior members of the band shared a song he wrote.  It was absolutely beautiful.  To know those lyrics as the song of this man's heart- to see his face as he took in everyone worshiping the Lord in a moment he (through God) helped to create. To sing praise to God.  The message tonight was great as well- it was about blessing and giving thanks to God for the good things we have received, for our greatest temptation is to forget to do so.  What a timely and relevant message as everyone accelerates towards finals.  I feel like I've been able to be present this weekend, and I have felt so blessed for that.  (Side note: I just got done reading several friend's blogs, so I don't feel like I'm writing in quite my own voice so I'm sorry).  We sang the song "10,000 Reasons" which is a new favorite, "Bless the Lord oh my soul, oh my soul, worship His holy name..." Very appropriate to the message.  Love that song.  I stayed around for after worship tonight, which I really need to do more often.  (About 15 minutes after the service ends the band will play some more songs).  Most people peace out before this so the feeling is really intimate and amazing, because of course, our band is AWESOME.  I was blessed to worship with some of beautiful my sisters in Christ- I LOVE to worship with friends.  It is one of the most beautiful things- to be most ourselves and to be together to worship the God we all love.  Wow.  Just, wow.  God is SO good.

Back in my dorm, I had a great chat with two friends in the stairwell of all places, random I know.  I love when God just puts meaningful conversations together  It starts to RAIN.  Like thunder and lightening hardcore knock your socks off RAIN.  I LOVE thunderstorms, just sitting at my window and watching the lightening and being amazed by God's power.  Some girls were out dancing in the street, so I said, what the heck lets do it!  I found some people and out we went.  Half of Hope College had the same idea- I love spontaneous fun moments in big groups of people!  I ended up hanging out with one of my friends for almost an hour- just talking about life (even though she wimped out of playing in the rain).  Blessed, blessed, blessed.  Filled with the joy of the Lord.

Here's the encouragement- on Friday night, I went to an extended night of worship and prayer, which was great.  I was in one of those times where I didn't realize I was in a low patch with God until I started to get out of it.  That's why this weekend has been awesome- the joy of the Lord!

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